Client Profile: Bella

Transformation pics are great but what they don’t always show are the changes in confidence, strength and feeling comfortable in your own skin.


Bella first came to me wanting to get fit and strengthen her abdominals – “I want to lose this belly” were her exact words. By focusing on basic strength, core work and consistent training, this Mum, who struggled to squat her own body weight, came to love weight lifting, running and her new found fitness.


Having grown up in a small town in Papua New Guinea, Bella had never taken part in traditional sports or group exercise. She found big gyms intimidating and wasn’t sure she could do it all on her own. As a Fit Mumma, the support and encouragement of the other new mums helped her achieve her goals plus she made some new friends along the way.


To look at Bella now you would never have thought this was the shy mum who reached out wanting to feel fit and strong. This gorgeous Mum of two is now kicking goals as she continues to lead a healthy lifestyle whilst inspiring her daughters to do the same.